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Updating expenses

Ensure your expense metadata is correct across your expense management platform and your booking keeping records

Once you have synced an expense transaction to your accounting platform, you can make alterations to a single transaction's metadata. The change will be reflected across your expense management or corporate card platform and your accounting software or ERP.

This saves your SMB customers’ time and helps reduce errors because they won’t need to make changes to their expense management platform and their accounting package separately.

Use our Update expense transactions endpoint to edit the following expense transaction metadata:

  • Net expense amount
  • Tax amount of the spend
  • Tax rate reference associated with the spend
  • Expense bank account reference
  • Tracking category objects
  • Description & notes
Update an expense transaction
Compatible integrations

At the moment you can update expenses only for Xero (Payment transaction type only).

To update an attachment or receipt, you first need to delete it and then create a new dataset for the updated transaction attachment. After that, you can sync the expense to the accounting platform. Check out our guidance on uploading receipts.