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Common issues with QuickBooks Desktop

Accessing logs

The connector logs can assist when diagnosing issues for QuickBooks Desktop. There are two sets that are useful in our investigations.

QuickBooks Connector Logs

The logs files created by the connector itself are located in:


You can also view the log file by selecting "View Log" button in the web connector.

QuickBooks Logs

There are also logs created by QuickBooks itself which are located in:


The connector can't be downloaded or run due to corporate policy or antivirus software

Some corporate policies or particularly stringent anti-virus software may block the connector from running. Codat actively submits the connector files with supporting information to common anti-virus packages so that it is not incorrectly marked as a potential threat.

If any of your customers have issues with anti-virus blocking, please report this to Codat.

You can configure the QuickBooks Desktop connector to run in one of two modes:

  • One-time sync
  • Ongoing sync

For more information about these modes, see On-premise connector setup. If one-time sync is configured, the company will transition to deauthorized status after the initial sync. The user will need to uninstall the web connector.

If you'd like to enable ongoing syncs with the company, update your connector settings and ask the SMB user to complete the linking process (i.e. downloading and installing the connector) again.

Re-linking and company IDs

The same Company ID must be used when re-completing the linking process.

Reinstalling the Application Certificate

In order for the connector to link to the QuickBooks desktop datafile, the user needs to have accepted a QuickBooks Application Certificate. Typically, this pops up as a prompt the first time the user downloads the connector. Options might vary between QuickBooks versions, but are similar to:

  • No
  • Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running

The user should select Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running to enable the connector to work.

To return to the certificate settings within QuickBooks, navigate to Edit > Preferences > Integrated Applications > Company Preferences. You will then need to select the application named 'QuickBooks Connector' and click Remove.

Once you have removed the certificate, you can then re-run the installation process for the connector. You can either run the downloaded file (this might be in the downloads folder and will be named QuickBooksDesktopConnector.exe) or revisit the connector download page. During the installation process, you will receive a prompt asking for permission from the application certificate.

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